Interest Group Email Archive

  • Staff Nurse Interest Group NewsFlash

    Posted on April 18, 2019, 5:23 p.m.

    Hello fellow SNIG members. I am composing  this email just before Easter weekend. I will be working the weekend as a casual staff nurses at a tertiary care psychiatric hospital. There a few events coming up that I wanted to let you know about. 

    * Understanding Violence and Harassment in the Workplace April 23, 7-830 PM Parkwood Institute , London,  On.  Main Building, room B2-109, auditorium. RNAO Middlesex Elgin Chapter. free event, Parking $4.00, RSVP by April 19.  Register  Nonmembers welcome as well.  I am planning to attend.

  • Combined Meeting for SNIG and CTNIG

    Posted on April 2, 2019, 3:50 a.m.

    The Complementary Therapies Nurses Interest Group and Staff Nurses Interest Group executive welcome you to join us for our light breakfast, meditation and meeting free of charge.

    We will have a guest speaker Piroska Bata RN who will be doing an interactive presentation of “13 steps to celebration. the Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP 101 & Art of well formed goals”

    Saturday April 13th at 9am

  • Staff Nurse Interest Group NewsFlash

    Posted on March 18, 2019, 4:43 p.m.


    Greetings SNIG members, I am sending this email to inform you of some items of interest for staff nurses and members of RNAO

    **On February RNAO members took part in Queens Park Day.  Members of RNAO influence government policy development a great deal. The previous health minister Eric Hoskins said that RNAO was the most influential organization that he worked with.

  • SNIG NewsFlash!!

    Posted on Oct. 9, 2018, 2:53 p.m.


    Greetings SNIG members:

    I am writing today, October 9, just after Thanksgiving Weekend.  I am thinking of what I am grateful for.  Last evening I visited my 94 year old aunt who is a patient in hospital after fracturing her hip.  She was in an orthopedic trauma unit in which there were four patients and 2 nurses in the room caring for them. I was thankful for the care the nurses were giving my aunt and the other vulnerable clients. I left knowing she was receiving close monitoring and good care.

  • SNIG NewsFlash!!

    Posted on Feb. 20, 2018, 10 p.m.

    Greetings SNIG members.  This is a short message  to inform you of activities of SNIG executive. Hoping you all are coping well with the winter weather and driving. Perhaps some of you will be having winter vacations.