Staff Nurse Interest Group NewsFlash

Posted on March 18, 2019, 4:43 p.m.


Greetings SNIG members, I am sending this email to inform you of some items of interest for staff nurses and members of RNAO

**On February RNAO members took part in Queens Park Day.  Members of RNAO influence government policy development a great deal. The previous health minister Eric Hoskins said that RNAO was the most influential organization that he worked with.

 I was able to meet my local MPP Terence Kernoghan (NDP) for breakfast. We discussed issues that RNAO is championing. One such issue is Reclaiming the role of the RN. We asked that the government funds hospitals to immediately fill the 10,000 RN vacancies, that all new nursing hires in acute and cancer care be RNs and that all first home care assessments be completed by an RN. We also asked that government strengthen Primary Care and that care co-ordinators be located in Primary Care. Primary care should be the main point of entry for patients to connect with needed providers. Another discussion is the RNAO recommendation that Ontario implement recommendations of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples.

** RNAO AGM is April 12 at downtown Hilton in Toronto. There is no cost for RNAO members (unless accommodation is needed) and  attending the AGM is exciting and informative. Register on RNAO website.

** Please join us April 13 at 0900 hours, at Hilton for SNIG AGM. We are combining our AGM with Complimentary Therapy Interest Group. Our speaker is Piroska Bata. Register online RNAO website, no cost. Light breakfast and coffee served.

** Calling out for SNIG executive members. We need Policy, Communications, Finance ENOs and Chair. You will be mentored in your position and work is not onerous. Its a great way to become involved in your profession and do great work in improving health care for Ontarians. Check out position requirements under Volunteer on My RNAO. You can contact Una Ferguson, our chair on SNIG website if interested.  

**Wellness and Coping Tip! I am a firm believer that art and creativity helps us cope with stresses of life and make us happier. "Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" , Pablo Picasso  I belong to a dance group, play and sing with ukulele and love to read, see films and go to theater productions and live local music. I really believes that this helps me cope with work and life in general. Here are some benefits listed in article in Createquity on benefits of art to adults...

  • Singing improves mental health and subjective well being
  • Dancing bolsters cognition and motor skills and lessens dementia in later life
  • Playing an instrument has myriad positive effects including improving cognition
  • Visual arts practice generates increase in social engagement ,psychological health and self esteem  

Best Wishes to you all  and thank you for the important and often difficult work that you do. Until next time...

Brenda Hutton RN
Communications ENO