Greetings SNIG members:
I am writing today, October 9, just after Thanksgiving Weekend. I am thinking of what I am grateful for. Last evening I visited my 94 year old aunt who is a patient in hospital after fracturing her hip. She was in an orthopedic trauma unit in which there were four patients and 2 nurses in the room caring for them. I was thankful for the care the nurses were giving my aunt and the other vulnerable clients. I left knowing she was receiving close monitoring and good care.
I receive a daily email from Here is yersterday's message. "We have thousands of opportunities every day to be grateful: for having good weather, to have slept well last night, to be able to get up, to be healthy,to have enough to eat...There's opportunity upon opportunity to be grateful;that's what life is" Br David Steindl-Rast
** Indigenous Health RNAO supports working in partnership with Indigenous Nations to address urgent health needs identified by them and to supporting the transformation of our health care system from a colonial approach to an Indigenous led self governance model. (RNAO Policy Backgrounder, 2018). To do our part in supporting this work SNIG is offering a bursary through Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario of $1000.00 per year for a three year commitment to an indigenous student in a baccalaureate nursing program. This year's recipient is a mature Inuk student studying in an Ontario University.
** International Work SNIG has also given donations over the years to a project building wells in Kenya. The project is led by long time SNIG member from Ottawa, Bea Osome. Bea has continued the work begun by her daughter who sadly died of cancer. One of the wells in Kenya bears the SNIG logo. Bea has given updates of her work at SNIG annual meetings. There is an older video on YouTube about Bea's work "Epang'a Primary School Clean Water Project" These projects help communities obtain clean water and improve safety. Children, especially girls are often attacked when they are walking long distances to get water for their families.
** Improving Long-term care. A recent court case involving a nurse working in long term care illustrates systemic problems in that sector. RNAO advocates legislating health human resource standards so there is at least one NP for each 120 residents, and a staffing mix that consists of 20 % RN's, 25% RPN's and no more than 55% personal support workers. (RNAO Improving Health for All, 2018) We urge you to discuss this recommendation with the public and your MPP's. Our senoirs and vulnerable patients deserve better care.
** Self Care Nurses work long, often stressful shifts. We need to replenish ourselves. "An empty lantern provides no light. Self- care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly" Following are a few Mental Self-Care ideas from
- Challenge your negative thinking
- Learn how to keep track of your money. Its best to spend only half your take home pay on essentials such as housing, food, transportation. Save 10-20%, enjoy the rest. Avoid debt. Live simply
- Intentionally schedule "me time" on your calendar
- Learn something new - language, instrument, etc. you can expand your word power by learning new words. I receive emails daily from Merriam Webster with a new word of the day. Its fun!
- Start a journal to record your thoughts and experiences
- Sit down and read or listen to relaxing music with a cup of tea
- Don't expect too much of yourself
- Play, walk outdoors
**Action Alerts: Please take time to sign RNAO action alerts. RNAO needs our support and names for its political action.
**SNIG Executive: Elections are in June 2019. We will be looking for chair, membership, finance and communication officers. Let our chair Una Ferguson ( if you would like to be a part of executive. Work is not onerous and its wonderful to attend RNAO meetings expenses paid. RNAO is a motivator and self care for nurses.
Once again thankyou for all you do. Blessings!
Brenda Hutton
Staff Nurse Interest Group ENO