Nursing Week 2024 Kevin George and Kheana Quiddeoan winners each of a 500$ bursary

Nursing Week 2024 winner Kheana Quiddeoan

Nursing Week 2023 Merit Sadek winner of 500$ bursary

Nursing Week 2022

Winner of RNFOO award 2022

Nursing Week 2021

SNIG through RNFOO offers a 1000$ scholarship to an Indigenous Nursing student.
2020: no one qualified
2019: Winner was :
Karleigh Miness is a third year BScN student at Laurentian University in Sudbury. She has always lived on a small reserve known as Kebaowek First Nation, and looks forward to moving back there when her schooling is complete. Karleigh’s long term goal is to pursue a career as a nurse practitioner to be able to help the members of her community live a healthier lifestyle. Karleigh enjoys playing sports such as baseball and spending time at her family cottage.
2018: Winner was:
Tracy Pittman is an Inuk woman and mother from Northern Newfoundland. Her family is originally from Southern Labrador. She has always been actively involved and connected to the Canadian Indigenous community. Tracy is currently a nursing student studying at the bachelor level, as well as a Registered Canadian Midwife, and mother to a 10-year-old boy. She has been interested in women’s health, and in particular in Indigenous woman’s health for many years now, and has worked in this field from Toronto to the Arctic. As a nursing student and future nurse in obstetrics, gynecology and women's health, she acts as a strong advocate for Indigenous women’s reproductive rights, and quality, culturally safe and respectful health care. She hopes to focus her energy on improving women's healthcare.