Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG)

Cost of Interest Group: $25; free for undergraduate nursing students

The Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG), represents all regions in Ontario, and believes that staff nurses should provide a leadership role during these constant times of transition. There is an acute need for renewal and reinvesting in ourselves and in our profession to improve Health Care in Ontario.

Therefore, our mandate is:

  • To strengthen communication with our members and ensure we care for ourselves and for others.
  • To value continuing education and professional growth and development.
  • To use technology to provide knowledge, inspiration and celebrate our staff nurse role.
  • To encourage Staff Nurses to : Be the Nurse You Want to Work With!

We strive to achieve our mandate by offering an ongoing exchange of ideas at RNAO’s Annual General Meeting, workshops, newsflashes, website, and representation at the RNAO assemblies, and at various conferences sponsored by RNAO. We encourage networking and provide learning sessions.

SNIG members believe that the work environment should be meaningful and rewarding. Therefore, another goal of our group is to build solidarity among staff nurses in order to be proactive in influencing changes in the workplace.

Student members who join SNIG can gain valuable insight about our role. The generalist focus of SNIG provides a means to network, express their questions, concerns and issues and to have opportunities to participate in decisions that will affect their future professional lives. We are seeking nurses with experience to buddy with new SNIG members to provide mentorship.

Staff nurses are a valuable resource within our health-care system; we practice with leadership, caring, and advocacy, we know we make a difference at the many points of care — homes, hospitals, continuing care, long-term care, and community.


Executive:  Contact :

Chair: Brenda Hutton

Past Chair: Lhamo Dolkar 

Treasurer: McKenna Hill & Brenda Hutton

Membership: Brad Manuel

Communications: Ally Norton & Una Ferguson

Policy: Chahat Sharma & Laura Uribe

Social Media: Merit Sadek

Chief Scribe: Paula Manuel.

Student Rep:  Kheana Quiddaoen






Last updated:August 31, 2020