I am pleased to announce the new executive for SNIG (2019-2021)
Chair: Una Ferguson (1 year)
Vice Chair: Lhamo Dolkar(1 year- moving into the Chair position in 2020)
Financial ENO: Brenda Hutton
Communication ENO: Sam Perikala
Social Media ENO: Cadence Gillis
Socio-Political ENO: Vacant
Membership ENO: Emily Bowness
Student Rep: Vacant
I want to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their contribution to SNIG.
They are: Paula Manuel who we hope will remain our chief Scribe and author of www.lifeofanurse.com and who has been with SNIG since it's beginnings .We also send Congratulations to Brad Manuel our Student Rep who is now Student Rep to the BOD of RNAO.
The new executive will be meeting end of August/Sept . I foresee an exciting year ahead.!!
Una Ferguson
Chair SNIG