RNAO has many chapters/regions without chapters and various interest groups offering networking opportunities and resources. Check them out through the RNAO website.

RNAO has developed a full-service website – Careers in Nursing – that offers career guidance to assist you with career planning.
Whether you’re just starting out as a nurse , ready for a mid-career change, or coming back from a long absence, you’re going to face numerous career situations that require a strong sense of direction and self-promotion.
Access career services now by visiting Careers in Nursing.
Services provided vary depending on the individual nurse's needs and are completely confidential. Whether you are a nursing student, new graduate or an experienced RN, this service can help you develop your own career path.

RNAO offers funding opportunities towards education through the following:

RNCareers.ca is the official career site of the RNAO and the first online career board that was created exclusively to meet the needs of the Ontario nursing professional.
RNCareers.ca specializes in all levels of nursing including clinical and non-clinical, staff nurse , management, executive and administrative roles for NPs, RNs, RPNs and PSWs across all health-care sectors.

RNJ digital (formerly Registered Nurse Journal) is your quarterly publication. Visit RNJ.RNAO.ca for full access to features, profiles, columns, news and the much-loved "What nursing means to me" section.