The Palliative Care Nurses Interest Group invites you to join them for their Annual General Meeting
When: Saturday June 26 at 8:45 am
8:45-9:00 am - Registration and Opening Remarks
9:00-9:45 am - Guest Speaker Bonnie Tompkins
From Compassion, to Compassion in Action: How to move from Individual action to a global movement
This presentation will focus on
- The Compassionate Communities movement and how you can get involved.
- The Compassionate Communities movement has grown substantially within Canada and around the world.
- The movement exists in many settings, from villages to countries, universities to health care systems and more.
- During this presentation, you will learn about the movement, examples from Canada and internationally, explore how you can get involved and what resources exist to support you taking action.
10:00-10:30 am - PCNIG Annual General Meeting