2019 MHNIG Members Voice Meeting

Posted on March 17, 2019, 8:02 p.m.


Dear MHNIG Member,

Please join us for our second MHNIG Members Voice Meeting at the 2019 RNAO AGM on Saturday April 13,2019.

This is an opportunity for MHNIG Members to share their thoughts and ideas on mental health nursing, trends you are seeing from your practice as well as an opportunity to network with like minded RN’s and NP’s. There will be an update on the current status of the MHNIG Board activities and future MHNIG board goals as well as an education session…

The Role of the Nurse in Addiction Management in the Face of the Opioid Crisis

Presented by

  • Hoodo Ibrahim, PHC-NP, MSN, CPMHN (C)
  • Kelly Kokus, NP-PHC, FNP-BC, MScN, RN (EC) BScN (Hons)

Please Register here: MHNIG Members Voice Meeting

Looking forward to seeing you,

Aaron Clark

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