Handout-A Spirituality of Caregiving-Henri Nouwen from Jan. 18, 2025 AGM
Hello members.
From our last AGM on Jan. 18, 2025, please find attached the handout from Michelle O-Rourke's presentation.
Hello members.
From our last AGM on Jan. 18, 2025, please find attached the handout from Michelle O-Rourke's presentation.
Hello members!
Foundations in Parish Nursing has partnered with Dayton University to offer courses regarding wholistic and spiritual health as part of the ecumenical certificate in parish nursing program. They are available and appropriate for any nurse in various nursing communities who are looking for personal and professional development. Here is your opportunity to sign up.
Hello members! Please join us online this Saturday, Jan. 18 from 12–3 p.m. ET for our annual general meeting.
This is a free event!
Guest Speaker
Faith Community Nursing AGM January 18th. A Spirituality of Caregiving- VIRTUAL
Hello members! Happy New Year. Please join us online on Saturday January 18th from 12-3 PM for our annual general meeting.
This is a Free event!
Hello members! Happy New Year. Please join us online on Saturday, Jan. 18 from 12–3 p.m. ET for our annual general meeting.
Please register here: https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/events/173
Hello Everyone
If you are available this Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, ICHM is having their Annual Meeting
ICHM Annual Meeting Registration 2024
Register for the 2024 ICHM Annual Meeting to receive the meeting link. Zoom link will be sent the week of the meeting. Members and guests are welcome to attend, but only ICHM Canada members will be eligible to vote on the business of ICHM.
Dear member,
Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health and health care? Would you like to assist us in our mission to support and encourage the ministry of parish nurses in their holistic practices, in specialized areas of the nursing profession?
We are looking for members to join the Faith Community Nursing Interest Group (FCNIG) Executive.
Dear member,
Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health and health care? Would you like to assist us in our mission to support and encourage the ministry of parish nurses in their holistic practices, in specialized areas of the nursing profession?
We are looking for members to join the Faith Community Nursing Interest Group (FCNIG) Executive.
Join us for FCNIG’s Networking Event: “Opportunities to Strengthen the Faith Community Nursing Profession: Needs, challenges, and solutions.” This is an opportunity to network, learn more about our interest group members, and shape the future of Faith Community Nursing! We heard what you said in last year's 'Pulse Survey', and we are gathering together to take action!
Date: June 22, 2024
Time: 1:30-4:30 p.m. ET
CAPNM Annual Conference 2024: “Curious Compassion: The Spiritual Connection to Soften Illness Suffering” Celebrating 25 years of Faith Community Nursing!
The association responsible for advancing faith community nursing in Canada is having its annual general meeting! FCNIG can send three more individuals to attend via Zoom. Please let us know if you are interested! Send us a message! https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/contact/contact_group?gid=46
CAPNM Annual Conference 2024: “Curious Compassion: The Spiritual Connection to Soften Illness Suffering”
The association responsible for advancing faith community nursing in Canada is having its annual general meeting! Will you join FCNIG members? FCNIG can send six individuals to attend via Zoom. Please let us know if you plan to attend the CAPNM AGM!
Hello FCNIG members!
On behalf of Sanctuary Mental Health, we would like to share this survey, "Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations Survey. "
The Flourishing Congregations Institute and Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries invite Christian congregants and leaders across Canada to share insights in our ten to fifteen minute online survey.
Explore experiences, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding mental health within Canadian Christian churches. Your voluntary participation is confidential.
Good morning members!
Please find attached the 2023 Annual Report which includes the agenda for the AGM this Saturday, Nov. 25.
See you then!
This year’s hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) is focused on wholistic health across the lifespan! Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate our strengths as nurses, network, plan FCNIG’s future, and learn about caring for the spirit, ourselves, and one another across the lifespan! We have some exciting presentations for you:
Hello FCNIG members. There is an event coming up on Thursday, Nov. 16 that we thought you may like to attend. Please see the information below.
Take care!
The Spiritual Practice of Self-Care for the Faith Community Nurse
When: Nov. 16, 2023 starting at 7 p.m. ET or 6 p.m. CT
Hello members! Need help with a writing project? This is a space for you! This Saturday September 9th from 12 pm to 2 pm ET, or 11 am to 1pm CT, FCNI is hosting the " Aspiring Authors Artistic Space." A sacred space to promote writing! The intent is to create creative artistic space, set aside the time, and establish the discipline to write. Bring your current project, which might be a prayer, manuscript, book, or devotional. You will be focusing on your project within the support of a writing community.
Preparation-please bring:
Hello members! This is a notice for a pending part-time position as a faith community nurse at Calvary Memorial United Church in Kitchener, Ontario this fall.
If you are interested or want more information, please contact:
Gerti Emslie, RN
Faith Community Nurse
Calvary Memorial United Church
email: parishnursege@calvarymemorial.ca
Phone/Text: 519-897-2774
Thank you.
Michelle Solomon, RN
Communications ENO
Hello again FCNIG members.
Faith Community Nursing International is hosting “Gray Matters: Understanding Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults”, a presentation by Kay King, President of MN National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Hello FCNIG members. I hope this email finds you well!
This is an announcement for the upcoming virtual conference for Faith Community Nursing International. This year's topic is "Exploring Dimensions of Grief and Bereavement". See attached for presentations at this conference, and register here: https://www.fcninternational.org/event-5374669
Dear member,
Do you enjoy speaking out for nurses, health and health care? Would you like to assist us in our mission to support and encourage the ministry of parish nurses in their holistic practices, in specialized areas of the nursing profession?
We welcome members to join the Faith Community Nursing Interest Group (FCNIG) Executive.