Presentation: Gray Matters: Understanding Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults

Posted on Aug. 24, 2023, 8:51 p.m.
Kay King-President of NM NAMI

Hello again FCNIG members.

Faith Community Nursing International is hosting “Gray Matters: Understanding Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults”, a presentation by Kay King, President of MN National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

The incidence of substance use disorders is increasing with almost 1 million adults 65 and older living with a substance use disorder (SUD). Alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs are at the top of the list! Multiple risk factors have been identified, such as chronic pain, loss of loved ones, poor health, and physical disabilities. Join us to determine how you can reduce risks, identify problems, and promote care to reduce these issues.

Date: Saturday, October 28th

Time: 10 am to 1 pm Eastern Time (ET) and 9 am to 12 noon Central Time (CT)

Registration: $40 for members/$60 for nonmembers

CNE: 2.25 ANCC contact hours

For more information and to register, visit



Michelle Solomon, RN

Communications ENO

RNAO Region 2 Middlesex-Elgin Chapter