ONEIG AGM & Summer Newsletter

Posted on July 30, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Good afternoon ONEIG members,

it has been a hot summer but ONEIG continues to be active. In our latest newsletter attached you can see Susan Munro our Policy and Political Action Officer speaking at the Pickering Nuclear Plant licensing hearing, get a summary of the RNAO AGM and learn some easy ways to reduce tour use of single use plastics. 

The ONEIG AGM is August 21 at 7pm via Skype or phone just send along your information and we will connect you in. The agenda will be posted next week on the website and Facebook.

Interested in doing more but not sure you want to be on the executive? We would love help with our newsletter either in formatting, putting it together or by sending us articles to publish, just send us an email if you can help.

Remember to like us on Facebook and stay up to date on what is going on with Facebook alerts.

ONEIG Executive

File attachment(s)
newsletter (7.67 MB)