Hello ONEIG members!
We hope you're all enjoying your summer! We want to invite you to a really great event coming to you in collaboration with CANE and the Beth Emeth Greening Committee on Tuesday, Aug.1 starting at 7:30 p.m. ET. This is an incredible opportunity to hear from really a spectacular advocate and expert on nature and health, Dr. Melissa Lem! See the attached flyer for more details – and register here!
- Save the date for our (online) AGM on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. ET (registration details to come).
- We are still recruiting for the executive – take a look at the second call for nominations that came out this week!
- Looking for "green" media? Check out The Narwhal! It has done considerable reporting to keep us updated on environmental legislation change in Ontario.
- Are you part of enviro groups and movements in your area? We'd love to hear from you. Send an email or write about it in our next newsletter! (oneigrnao@gmail.com)
Hope to see you all on Aug. 1. In the meantime, get outside when you can and enjoy this beautiful place we all share and love!
-Your ONEIG executive team