Research Opportunity: Child and Youth Inpatient MH Experience During Pandemic

Posted on Feb. 23, 2023, 9:55 a.m.

Hello Members,

We have received the following information about a study being conducted by McGill University researchers. The team is examining the experience of children and youth staying in Canadian hospitals during peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please use the links below to participate, and reach out for more information.


I am a part of a team of researchers at McGill University, led by Dr Rachel Kronick (MD, FRCPC) and Professor Marjorie Montreuil (PhD) conducting a study that is aimed at understanding how hospital COVID-19 infectious control regulations were experienced by hospital staff and patients within inpatient child psychiatric units in Canada. More specifically, we are hoping to gain an understanding of how children and youth staying in inpatient settings best interests were taken into account by clinicians when in tension with mandated infection control measures. Our project is called: “Navigating children’s best interests in child psychiatric inpatient settings during the height of the COVID pandemic: a qualitative participatory research study”. 

We are hoping to recruit nurses that were involved in the treatment and care process of children in inpatient psychiatric units during the peak of the pandemic (March 2020-June 2022) in Canada. We thought this may be of interest to the nurses in your network. Participants will be asked to complete a brief survey that will ask them questions regarding what their hospital’s infection control directives were and what their overall experience with implementing them was. The participants will remain confidential, with no identifying information being included in the data analysis or write-up. Participants will indicate that they consent to participation within the survey. 

We have attached a flyer for distribution amongst your network. The link to the survey can be found here:

If you feel that members of your network may be able to provide relevant information for this study based on their experiences, please feel free to distribute the attached flyer and survey link to them. If you believe there is a more relevant professional network for us to be in touch with, please provide their information to

Feel free to reach out with any questions. 

Thank you for your time, 

Isabella Kakish, research assistant

File attachment(s)
poster for research (361.53 KB)