
Nov. 2023.  New resources added…

Canadian Blood Services:

please note:

  • "By Sept. 30, 2022… there will no longer be eligibility criteria specific to men who have sex with men."
  • D'ici le "30 septembre 2022, les critères d’admissibilité visant spécifiquement les hommes gais, bisexuels et autres HARSAH seront éliminés."

Labour and 2SLGBTQi+  


Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) has a wealth of resources and educational offerings, most of which are free or at minimal cost, available in English / en Français:

RHO about inclusive clinical language:  here

Bourns, A. (2019). Guidelines for gender-affirming primary care with trans and non-binary patients. Rainbow Health Ontario. Here

Bauer, G. R., & Scheiem, A. I. (2015). Transgender people in Ontario, Canada: Statistics from Trans PULSE Project to Inform Human Rights Policy. Here

Egale Canada

PFlag Canada

Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People. here

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

Virtual Palliative Care in Canada / 2SLGBTQi+ 

Front runner Ottawa & 2SLGBTQi+ 

2SLGBTQi+ Groups in Ottawa

Community Resources MAX ( 2SLGBTQi+ ) in Ottawa

Ottawa Seniors Pride Network 

Virtual Hospice   2SLGBTQi+

Palliative Care & 2SLGBTQi+ 

CNO - Standard on CONSENT

Hierarchy of substitute decision-makers (p. 7).  CNO document  here.  & Table here 

* If you have resources that would be of interest to our 2SLGBTQi+ community that you would like us to post, please forward them via email to:

Evans, S., Crawly, J., Kane, D., & Edmunds, K. (2021).  The Process of Transitioning for the Transgender Individual and the Nursing Imperative: A Narrative Review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(12), 4646-4660.

Published Online. 1-15. Doi:
