End Islamophobia

Posted on June 10, 2021, 9:57 p.m.

Dear MHNIG Members

On June 6, 2021, a violent act of Islamophobia took the lives of four (4) people, three generations of Muslim Pakistani Canadians, and seriously injured a child. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of the victims. The Mental Health Nursing Group (MHNIG) stands with the Muslim community in condemning racism, discrimination, white supremacy, violent acts, and the systemic Islamophobia presence in Canada. MHNIG demands that the Canadian Government stands with the Muslim community by developing legislation to end systemic Islamophobia. There is no place for hate, and intolerance in our communities. We value all people and stand in solidarity with those who were impacted by this hate-filled act.

If you can, please consider donating to the fund supporting the victims' family created by the London Muslim Mosque https://www.londonmosque.com/shop/afzaal-family-fund-122?category=2&fbclid=IwAR20yrT6ktYACarfXzQ3dJjT7dD6Oap8uDJD3vAKe6dy7FMfSlQqpQKRpQI#attr=

And to the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration,

a London-based not-for-profit that supports London's Muslim communities.



MHNIG Executive Team