MHNIG Geriatric Addiction Series: Benzodiazepines Use Disorder in Older Adults

Posted on June 9, 2021, 9:16 p.m.

Dear Members

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MHNIG Geriatric Addiction Series: Benzodiazepines Use Disorder in Older Adults With Dr. David Conn

Please join us for the third in a four-part series discussing substance use and older adults. This area of research is notoriously under-evaluated, unaddressed, and will become much more common as Canada’s population ages. Dr. David Conn, a leading educator and clinical specialist in this area, will share his expertise and research on this emerging topic.


- Outline the use of benzodiazepines in clinical practice

- Provide an overview of Substance Use Disorders among older adults

- Describe the key recommendations on Benzodiazepines Use Disorder

Dr. David Conn is the Vice President of Education at Baycrest, a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, and is the Co-Chair at the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health

When: June 15th, 2021 7 PM Eastern Time

By Zoom Webinar

Please register here:  

****Space is limited so register early****

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Hope to see you there!


MHNIG Executive Team