Every Child Matters

Posted on June 1, 2021, 9:48 p.m.
Every Child Matters

MHNIG Members,

We ask you to take a moment to honour the 215 Indigenous children whose lives were taken at a former residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia.  

We mourn the loss of those innocent children who never made it home, and families who were forever changed.

We stand with our Indigenous community, and support the survivors of this unspeakable tragedy. 

June marks National Indigenous History month

In light of the recent news of the unmarked graves of 215 Indigenous children, we stand with our Indigenous kin who continue to face the realities of living in a settler colonial state that is responsible for genocide. 

We send them our care and acknowledge the tremendous pain Indigenous communities across Turtle Island are in while this country confronts the violence of the residential school system. 

We encourage everyone to learn more about how we can take action --- read about the 94 Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Report and check out resources by the On Canada Project, and this article: Beyond thoughts and prayers: Actions you can take to support residential school survivors in Canada | The Star

MHNIG Executive