Expressions of interest

Posted on Jan. 23, 2021, 3:39 p.m.

Dear MHNIG Members

We hope all is well with you and your family. 

The MHNIG Executive Board has the following positions open and would be accepting expressions of interest. If interested, please submit your bio and brief statement (max 250 words) of why you would be best suited for the position that you are interested in. 



The Chair-Elect shall be a two (this is for a 1-year term as chair-elect) followed by a two (2) year term as Chair. The Past Chair shall serve a one (1) year term, though may complete a two-year term at their discretion.

Role: The President-Elect/Newsletter Editor shall:

a)      Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee or the President

b)      In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President, including attending and voting at the Interest Group Chairs Meeting and the Assembly of Presidents.

c)      Provide leadership in communication activities regarding the newsletter.

d)      Inform the President and the Membership of issues relevant to Mental Health Nursing using the MHNIG newsletter, at least biannually, and compose communications for submissions to the RN Journal and the website in conjunction with the Communications Officer.

e)      Solicit material for, edit, and prepare a newsletter at least two times a year.

f)       Encourage satellite submissions to the Registered Nurse Journal.

g)      Arrange to send a copy of the Newsletter to RNAO Home Office and to all of the Chairs of the Interest Groups of RNAO.


Note Region Satellite Representative Role is for 2-years term:

·Region 3 Satellite Representative 

·Region 4 Satellite Representative

·Region 8 Satellite Representative

·Region 9 Satellite Representative

·Region 12 Satellite Representative


Region/Satellite Representative’s Role & Responsibilities Include:

a)      To provide a forum through which issues of interest or concern to psychiatric/mental health nurses within a specific region may be studied or discussed.

b)      To take representative action on behalf of nurses with respect to regional mental health issues in collaboration with the MHNIG Executive and the RNAO.

c)      To advise the MHNIG Executive.

d)      To assist in fulfilling MHNIG objectives.

e)      Attending the MHNIG executive team monthly meetings


Thank you in advance

MHNIG Executive Team