Action Alert! Speak out now on Omnibus Bill 197!

Posted on July 16, 2020, 8:48 p.m.

Hi ONEIG Members,

Help us speak out now against Omnibus Bill 197 that the Ontario government is trying to quickly and quietly pass without legislative or public hearings.

The process is curtailed to the extent that the consequences of this legislation can’t be discussed and debated.

Buried within this Omnibus Bill are changes to the Environmental Assessment Act which will bar experts from assessing the environmental impacts of many public infrastructure projects, and keep communities in the dark about what’s happening in their own backyards.

This threatens environmental protections and democratic processes.

Last year, we spoke out against Bill 132 and we are asking you again to speak out and spread the word on this very troubling legislation and legislative process.

Please take action today!

This bill could unfortunately go through as early as next week.

Sign on to Environmental Defence's Action Statement. Post the action link to social media. Talk to friends and family and get them involved. Write and call your MPP. 

We are registered nurses; our expertise and wisdom is needed now more than ever. Let us be heard saying no to rushed omnibus legislation devoid of debate and consultation.

Your ONEIG Executive

We always love to hear from you — contact us anytime:

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