Exciting post-AGM Update & Meeting Reminder!

Posted on June 14, 2020, 8:13 p.m.

Hi ONEIG members,

We are THRILLED to share that ONEIG's Resolution 2: Access to Safe Water and Sanitation was carried at the 2020 RNAO AGM by an overwhelming majority!

Thank you to everyone who worked to make this happen with particular kudos to ONEIG's AMAZING Communications ENO Josalyn Radcliffe who worked tirelessly to prepare for the resolution process and spoke so eloquently to the resolution on Friday evening:

First, I want to thank Jeanne Lambert who co-wrote this resolution. Last month was the 20th anniversary of the Walkerton water crisis. While it prompted an important first wave of water legislation, today advocates like those at the Canadian Environmental Law Association are concerned that the lessons from this tragedy are being forgotten.

In one of her last reports as the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Dianne Saxe wrote "Pollution threats are not static, and vigilance to protect drinking water sources will always be needed, yet uncertainty about funding leaves the future of this critical program up in the air. And the source protection framework does not protect most Ontario lakes, rivers and groundwater, including the drinking water sources of Ontarians with private wells, or in most northern and Indigenous reserve communities."

Ongoing drinking water advisories in First Nations in Ontario were part of what prompted Amnesty International to publicly call out this injustice, urging Canada to implement the principles of the UNDRIP and the Rights to Safe Water and Sanitation. As nurses we must use our voices for equity and we must ensure our actions are led by Indigenous peoples.

This resolution uses a rights-based approach that asks RNAO to hold  the government to its responsibility to provide access to safe water and sanitation for all- including those in First Nations communities, those who struggle to pay water bills, the nearly 20% that do not rely on municipal water systems, and really all of us- whose health relies on the health of our lakes, waterways, and groundwater.

Alongside the existing threats to water, climate change is leading to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns with both more flooding and droughts, which compromises both water safety and availability. Warmer water combined with fertilizer run-off is contributing to more toxic algae blooms in the Great Lakes. While there are already gaps in legislation, new proposals and needs continue to emerge. Just months ago Bill 132 weakened environmental protections by limiting fines for water pollution and  the ability of municipalities to protect their ground water from aggregate mining.

This resolution is about protecting water, which is essential for life today and into the future. With this resolution, we ask that the RNAO stand up for the water security, environmental justice, and health. 

Fantastic work as a team and to everyone who helped make this happen, including resolution co-author Jeanne Lambert and all ONEIG members who supported ONEIG putting forward this resolution.

It is also very exciting to share that another environmental resolution was carried at the AGM, Resolution 3, that aims to increase the awareness of the importance of strong environmental laws. Congratulations to resolution submitters Hilda Swirsky and Margarita Salvatore for this success! It is very impactful to have environmental health issues so front and centre on the agenda of the business of the RNAO as we move into this new decade.

Gentle reminder: Please don't forget to register to attend the open ONEIG executive meeting this Wednesday June 17th at 7pm! The draft agenda and March 2020 meeting minutes are attached. 

With gratitude,

Your ONEIG Executive

We always ♥️♥️love♥️♥️ to hear from you—contact us anytime: oneigrnao@gmail.com

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