Toronto ONEIG Members: Take Action TODAY for Sustainable Transit!

Posted on May 25, 2020, 11:01 p.m.

Dear Toronto-based ONEIG members,

We are sharing this urgent call to action from our friends at The David Suzuki Foundation.

On Thursday May 28 (this week!!) Toronto city council will vote on whether to extend the Bloor bike lane. This would create a safe cycling route all the way from Avenue Road to High Park.

We think this is a fabulous idea.

Around the world, cities are quickly building new bike lanes to allow for safe physical distancing. Now it’s Toronto's turn.

It's time to take action!

Council needs to hear from you. Please write to the mayor today saying you want Toronto to extend the Bloor bike lane right away.

The time to make your voice heard is more important than ever! The mayor and councillors are dealing with many issues now, and if they don't hear from people like you before they meet on May 28, they won’t make cycling a priority.

Please take a moment to speak out on this important issue TODAY!

Many thanks,

Your ONEIG Executive

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