Happy International Nurses' Day!

Posted on May 12, 2020, 10:48 a.m.

Dear ONEIG members, 

On behalf of ONEIG, I want to extend a special wish to all of you for a Happy International Nurses' Day and Nurses' Week.

With our busy days and the many ways our minds are full in attending to multitudes of care concerns, it is important to pause and feel recognized for our dedication to the care of communities and for our passion in promoting health and healing. Because we do so much and do it well, it is all the more important that this work is underscored, promoted, understood.

I feel very proud and privileged to be part of this nursing community and to celebrate this day with all of you. I feel particularly proud to be part of ONEIG -- a group of nurses who generously volunteer their time and energy to promote health in its broadest, ecological sense. Thank you to ♥♥ all ♥♥ of you!

In the nursing community, we find solidarity in our commitment to action for change and in the advent of COVID-19, this commitment remains. As we move forward as a nursing community concerned with the plight of the natural world and a drive to promote environmental health, we are in a time of unique opportunity to embark on a broader more sustainable path forward.

How we collectively recover and reopen after COVID-19 is an incredible opportunity to transcend the status quo and to move us into a truly sustainable future. I encourage you to check out Environmental Defence's The Recovery Series for a taste of what we can work together toward.

On a more topical note, join ONEIG tomorrow evening for a special webinar with Environmental Defence on tackling plastics pollution. We will be joined by Ashley Wallis, Environmental Defence's Plastics Program Manager and ONEIG policy and political action volunteer leads Katharine Harrison and Lauren Allison. Here's the Zoom webinar link: https://zoom.us/j/97027866752

With thanks,

Elise Skinner - Chair

Ontario Nurses for the Environment Interest Group

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