Toronto ONEIG Members - Opportunity to Take Action for Sustainable Transit!

Posted on Jan. 9, 2020, 3:49 p.m.

Dear ONEIG members,

If you are a GTA ONEIG member, consider starting your year by taking action with Cycle Toronto for expanding sustainable transit.

Being able to ride in a bike lane on Bloor all the way from Avenue to Runnymede could be a reality as soon as this summer and you can help make it happen.

The City is hosting two public drop-ins at the end of this month to hear feedback on the Bloor West Bikeway Extension. It's an opportunity to ensure there is continued support for the bike lanes all the way to Runnymede and that intersections are designed with safety in mind.

Both events will feature detailed display boards with information about the City's proposed design. The City will be looking for feedback to make this the best bike lane possible, so please attend whichever date is most convenient for you.

Public Drop-in #1
Date: Monday, January 27th
When: 4-8PM
Where: St. Wenceslaus Church, 496 Gladstone Ave

Public Drop-in #2
Date: Thursday, January 30th
When: 4-8PM
Where: Lithuanian House, 1573 Bloor St W

You can also show your support now by signing the Cycle Toronto's Bloor Loves Bikes pledge, and  encourage friends, family, and neighbours to join you at one of the above meetings. 

With thanks,