Bill 132: Alarming changes to Ontario's environmental laws

Posted on Nov. 11, 2019, 5:06 p.m.

Dear ONEIG members,

Introduced on October 28th, the omnibus Bill 132, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019, which is now sent to committee, is flying through the Ontario legislature. Bill 132 alters over 12 environmental laws in a massive deregulation scheme, the implications of which are not clear. The public, in turn, has now less than 30 days to comment.

The little that we do know about the substance of the proposed changes is alarming. The changes proposed to Water Resources Act would reduce maximum polluting fines from $100,000 per day to a maximum of $200,000 per contravention, in effect making it less expensive to pollute Ontario waters. Proposed changes to the Aggregate Resources Act disregard previous, evidence-based recommendations from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario to lighten the environmental footprint of aggregate operations like pits and quarries in favour of modifications based on industry suggestions that weaken existing protection provisions. Equally alarming is the process by which these changes are taking place; Bill 132 proposes changes to the ARA under review, before the public comment period was even completed

Alarm is in order. Environmental issues emerged as one of the top issues in the federal election and public demand for robust action on environmental issues has not waned. The Ontario government needs to hear it. 

Please share this message with friends and family and voice your concerns directly to your MPP and local media.

ONEIG members are currently involved in preparing an Action Alert, letter writing and planning ONEIG representation to the Standing Committee for this Bill. Please contact us if you want to be more involved in this work. 

In solidary, 

Your ONEIG Executive


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