Rainbow members. New Executive members - July 2020

Posted on July 22, 2020, 2:24 p.m.

Hello Rainbow – RNIG members,

I hope you are well and staying safe.  Covid has challenged us quite a bit in the past few months. Health care professionals, and nurses, we have been keeping up the challenges and continued to provide care as needed.

There are many resources... and a free Apps....   for example:  Gov of Canada https://www.thrive.health/canada-covid19-app

Find enclosed the revised list of Executive Members for 2020-2021. We are please to confirm that we have a full executive and B.Sc.N. representatives. Many thanks for putting your names forward !   All positions were acclaimed - therefore, no voting was required.  https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/sites/default/files/2020-07/RNIG-Rainbow--…


Paul-André Gauthier, Inf./RN, CNS; PhD (nursing)

Provincial President RNIG (RN - LGBTQ+)

Rainbow Nursing Interest Group  (Association in Ontario).

Association des infirmières et infirmiers arc-en-ciel de l’Ontario.



Information-RNIG : https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/interestgroup/58/about


Previous email messages :  https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/interestgroup/58/email/90


Federal Submission 2019 :   https://www.ourcommons.ca/Content/Committee/421/HESA/Brief/BR10506788/br-external/RainbowNursingInterestGroup-e.pdf