Get involved this fall!

Posted on Sept. 4, 2019, 10:58 p.m.

Hello lovely ONEIG members,

Environmental issues dominated the news cycle this summer, from the House of Commons declaring a climate emergency, to the numerous fires burning through the Amazon rainforest to the unprecedented heat wave across Europe and droughts in Ontario. An important way to remain hopeful and energized is to get involved and to connect with other folks who are equally passionate about environmental issues and health. ONEIG is here to help!

Sept 5 - Deadline to apply for RNAO’s fall tour

Sign up to be part of the RNAO’s fall tour as a member of ONEIG. The RNAO encourages members of interest groups to join chapters and regions that apply to host these visits. This is a great opportunity to be involved with RNAO leadership and to be heard on environmental health issues. Click here for more info.

Sept 14 - The Climate First Tour with David Suzuki and Stephen Lewis

David Suzuki and Stephen Lewis will be visiting Canadian cities to speak and engage in a non-partisan conversation about the urgent issue of climate change. ONEIG is looking to sponsor members to attend the kick-off event on September 14 at Convocation Hall in Toronto. If you are interested and willing to tell other members about your experience attending this, send us a message. Click here for more info on the event.

Sept 25 - ONEIG webcast: Mobilizing nurses for climate action

An hour-long interactive webinar on climate change and opportunities for advocacy in the context of the pivotal federal election on October 21st. See the full webcast description and register here.

October 1 - Environmental Law Toolkit Workshop 2019

Want to learn more about the laws and policies that exist to protect the environment? This workshop is hosted by the Canadian Environmental Law Association and designed to educate non-profits active in the environmental field about legal tools available to protect our air, water, land, and human health. ONEIG is looking for members interested in attending this workshop. Is this you? Send word and briefly tell us why it would be great to sponsor you to attend. Click here for more information on the workshop.

Make it Better Campaign

The Make It Better project was developed by the Ontario Public Health Association in partnership with leading health and environmental organizations to help protect children from the health impacts of climate change. Get involved by signing your name to the campaign pledge. The campaign is also looking for health professionals who can talk about local impacts of climate change or local initiatives. Contact us if you would like to get involved.

Volunteer with us!

We are always looking for passionate folks to get involved. There are various flexible volunteer opportunities available, including roles in the Executive Committee as well as in our outreach committee. Want to find out more? Send us a message at the contact info below.

Remember the power of your vote this fall– one earth, one vote!

Your ONEIG executive


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