August ONEIG updates

Posted on Aug. 25, 2020, 10 p.m.

Hello members,

This is a late summer hello and updates as we move into a busy fall season.

RNAO and ONEIG signed onto a joint statement issued this week which calls on the Ontario provincial government to address the failings of its recycling system and transition Ontario to a circular economy. The statement calls for the adoption of packaging, paper, and packaging-like products (PPPP) regulation under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) that drives improvements in reduction, redesign, reuse, collection and high-value, closed loop recycling. Read more about the statement here and see CBC coverage

Initiatives and learning opportunities

There are many exciting initiatives and educational opportunities as we work toward an equitable and green recovery. 

This week, on Thursday, Aug. 27 at 4 p.m., Just Recovery Simcoe is collaborating with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment in hosting a webinar on the benefits of people and nature first policy and critical reflection on proposed political austerity agendas. Here is the registration link

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health is offering an online Masterclass in Sustainable Health Systems this fall 2020. Find out more here.

AGM alert: Mark your calendars!

Our AGM is planned for Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. A separate email invitation with registration details is forthcoming. We are very excited to take this time to celebrate our hard work over the last year and to take time to thank executive members who are transitioning from ONEIG and to new members who are joining our leadership team. It is a great opportunity to meet your executive, share ideas, get energized and plan for the year to come!

In solidarity,

Your ONEIG Executive

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