Quick Survey! Setting the Agenda on Greening Healthcare

Posted on May 3, 2020, 8:11 p.m.

Hello ONEIG members!

We hope you're doing well and staying safe. Later this month, we will be hosting a web discussion for interested members to talk and make a plan to address one of the top concerns of our members: Greening the Healthcare System. There are a lot of ways to approach this broad topic and we want to make a concrete plan to move ahead, so we have a very quick 2 minute survey for you if you'd like to help us set the agenda! The survey will close May 9th to give us time to plan! 

Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9GB3HMB

Thank you and hope to see you at our next event! 

Yours in health,


P.S Don't forget our web event on May 13th at 7pm on Plastic Pollution via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/97027866752