Earth Day 2020: Celebrating and defending our beautiful home!

Posted on April 22, 2020, 5:10 p.m.

Dear ONEIG members,

We would like to take the opportunity to mark this very special 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

While celebrations for this day are different this year under the realities of COVID-19, it is an important opportunity for all of us to reflect on this beautiful and amazing place that all of us call home. Today is also an opportunity to continue in our collective efforts to promote and fight for environmental health and justice.

You can check out Earth Day Live from April 22 to 24. This 3-day livestream focused on climate action will feature training sessions, performances, and appearances to keep engaged, informed and inspired. 

Please share any pictures or stories of your own Earth Day celebrations to ONEIG's Facebook page or send your items to us via email

Mark today by taking action for our planet! Find out about Environmental Defense’s campaigns, including Ontario Not for Sale and how you can help to reduce toxins in our province. Speak out now against the Ontario government’s move to suspend the Environmental Bill of Rights under COVID-19.

We invite you to contact us if you would like to know more about our projects or initiatives. We have an active Outreach Team for special events and are looking forward to exciting initiatives in the months ahead, including a webinar on plastics pollution and human health.

Wishing you a very special Earth Day. Thank you for all you do!

Your ONEIG Executive