Speak out on the suspension of the Environmental Bill of Rights

Posted on April 12, 2020, 8:55 p.m.

Dear ONEIG members, 

The Ontario government recently announced it will suspend public oversight and transparency in environmental decision-making during the COVID-19 emergency.

This change allows the government to push forward projects or laws that could significantly damage the environment without consulting or notifying the public.

In the fall of 2019, when the Government of Ontario tabled Bill 132, ONEIG urged the government to consider that environmental protections are not expendable; under the current unprecedented conditions of COVID-19, we once again have the same demand.  

The Wilderness Committee has created a take action page where you'll find links to more information and an opportunity to voice your concerns, including to your local papers and MPP.

We realize this is a challenging time for everyone and frontline care providers in particular. We appreciate the time and care you take everyday to promote health in every aspect of life.

Your ONEIG Executive