TransformTO Consultations: Calling on Toronto-area ONEIG members!

Posted on Oct. 27, 2019, 10:53 p.m.

Hi Toronto-area ONEIG members,

The City of Toronto is currently holding consultations on its 2021-2023 climate action plan (TransformTO) until November 11.

City staff are testing the waters to see if there is public support for actions like accelerating building retrofits and creating green jobs, improving public transit by implementing transit priority zones and bus-only lanes, increasing funding for climate action through a parking levy or other revenue tool, supporting "climate champions" to facilitate local climate action, and more.

If you haven't had the opportunity yet, please help show Toronto City staff and Council that there is strong public support for these and other climate actions so that they are included in the next phase of TransformTO.

There is a final TransformTO public meeting this week!

Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Time: 6:30 to 8:45 p.m.
Location: St. Lawrence Market Temporary North Market

Here is the link to registration.


There other ways to participate:

1) groups can host their own community conversation (the City has a guide to make this relatively easy and is willing to provide support at the meetings).

2) individuals can fill out the online survey.


Remember: The deadline for providing input is November 11.


Thank you,

Your ONEIG Executive