MHNIG Resolutions for RNAO AGM

Posted on Dec. 6, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

Dear MHNIG Member,


In preparation for the upcoming RNAO AGM in April, we have been asked to support a two resolutions. These resolutions have been written by Stacey Roles, our Region 12 Representative and Kama Kalia, our past chair.

If approved by the MHNIG Membership, these resolutions will be brought forward to the RNAO Resolutions committee for consideration. If approved by this committee, they then will brought forward on our behalf, deliberated at the RNAO AGM and voted on by Consultative Representatives from RNAO's Chapters, Regions without Chapters and Interest Groups. If passed they will shape work done at the RNAO in coming years.

Please follow the links consider the following resolutions, then use the "Yes" or "No" radio buttons to indicate if you support these motions or if you do not. The MHNIG Voting process for these resolutions will close on December 9, 2018.

Practice Guidelines Resolution Consultation

Psychotherapy Insurance Resolution


Thank you for your time and consideration,

Aaron Clark