2024 Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses National Conference

Posted on Sept. 25, 2024, 10:16 a.m.

Dear RNAO MHNIG Member,

We are excited to be hosting the 2024 Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses National Conference taking place from Tuesday, November 19, 2024 until Friday November 22, 2024 at the Hilton Hotel Conference Center in Lac Leamy Quebec ( 10 minutes outside of Ottawa) Our theme is "Leading Change: The Future of Mental Health and Substance Use Nursing in Canada"

The overall goal of the conference is to provide a forum for highlighting innovations in practice, education, research, and policy development in mental health and substance use nursing in Canada and globally.

Our education program has been carefully developed based on an educational needs assessment in order to meet the learning needs of nurses working in mental health and psychiatric nursing. Our workshop day features an expert presenter in Suicide Prevention, Canadian Nurses Association Certification Preparation, a panel discussion on MAiD in Mental Illness and  the "Concept of Substance Use Health"

Key Canadian experts are featured throughout the education program which will be launched by Dr. Leigh Chapman, the Chief Nursing Officer of Canada who will address the " Optimization of Nursing Leadership in Mental Health and the Toxic Drug Crisis".

The education program can be found here: https://www.cfmhn.ca/_files/ugd/9d080f_0770c19edcd24087959152964094f508.pdf

The registration is open and you can register here: https://cfmhn.wildapricot.org/sys/website/?pageId=1075208

The hotel registration web link to obtain a discount is here: https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/rooms/?ctyhocn=YOWOVHF&arrivalDate=2024-11-19&departureDate=2024-11-22&groupCode=IKJ&room1NumAdults=1&cid=OM%2CWW%2CHILTONLINK%2CEN%2CDirectLink

We look forward to seeing you at the  CFMHN national conference Nov 19-22,2024. If you have any questions, please e mail us at Admin@cfmhn.ca

With best regards,


Don Leidl, RN, BSN, MN, EdD
Assistant professor, Faculty of Nursing
University of New Brunswick, Moncton Site
CFMHN National Conference Planning Committee Co-Chair


Cindy Peternelj-Taylor, RN, HBScN, MSc, DF-IAFN
Professor Emeritus,
College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan
CFMHN National Conference Planning Committee  Co-Chair