Call for submissions: Mental Health Nursing Interest Group spring newsletter

Posted on March 23, 2023, 7:03 a.m.

Hello members,

Are you a writer? Have an interesting story or topic you want to share with the interest group? We are putting out the call for submissions for the Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG) spring newsletter. 

Each year, your interest group executives put together two newsletters for the membership: one is in the spring and one in autumn. We want the publication to be fun, interesting, engaging, and above all, relevant to your life and practice. We want it to be something that you enjoy, and can feel adds value to your membership.

To that end, we are asking for interested folks to provide materials for the newsletter. We are interested in all kinds of contributions. Examples include: a write-up about an event that you attended with some photos such as Queen's Park Day or Take Your MPP to Work Day, a poem or joke related to nursing, artwork, guided meditations, articles about research – the sky's the limit.

Please send your contributions to by Saturday, April 15, 2023 for the spring newsletter. Submissions after that date will be deferred to the autumn newsletter.

Thank you.