Reminder: MHNIG Bylaw Vote - Closes May 25,2018

Posted on May 22, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Dear MHNIG Member,

Recently, all RNAO Interest Groups and Chapters have been asked to align their bylaws to those of the RNAO. The MHNIG Executive has been working to make this happen.  The result of this work is the accompanying proposed bylaws.    Please note that there are some important changes from the previous MHNIG Executive Bylaws that were reviewed and voted upon last year.    One significant change is to how people are elected to our MHNIG Executive Board. The proposed change would allow the MHNIG executive to hold an annual vote for positions on the board.  This vote would make use of the RNAO's "One Member One Vote" system thereby allowing the entire membership to elect people to the Executive Board. Previously, executive members were elected by members that could attend our Annual General Meeting. I trust that you see that this is a far more equitable way to elect representatives. Also included in the bylaws is an outline highlighting the times that positions will become available as well as how long a person can serve in a given position.    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the MHNIG Executive.   Below is a link to the voting system as well as a copy of the proposed bylaws. The poll for this vote will be open from May 11,2018 to May 25, 2018. I thank you in advance for your participation.   Please click below to read and vote on the proposed bylaw changes;

  Respectfully Yours,


Aaron Clark Chair MHNIG