Upcoming Webinar May 27 on Geriatric Addiction: Cannabis

Posted on May 3, 2021, 1:37 p.m.

MHNIG Geriatric Addiction Series: Cannabis Use in Older Adults

With Dr. Mona Sidhu

Please join us for the second in a four-part series discussing substance use and older adults. This area of research is notoriously under evaluated, unaddressed and will become much more common as Canada’s population ages. Dr. Mona Sidhu, a leading researcher and clinical specialist in this area, will share her expertise and research on this emerging topic.


- Understand the pathophysiology of cannabinoids

- Differentiate strains 

- Review the evidence behind indications for use

Dr. Mona Sidhu is an Assistant Professor at McMaster University and practices Geriatric Medicine through Hamilton Health Sciences

When: May 27th, 2021 7:30 PM Eastern Time

By Zoom Webinar

Please register here:


****Space is limited so register early****

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