Member Speaker Series: Don't Forget About You (August 2020)

Posted on Aug. 14, 2020, 8:58 a.m.

To our dearest MHNIG members, this is a check-in letter.

I was not prepared for the magnitude of the myriad of consequences resulting (and that continue to result) from the pandemic experience. As time goes on, we are realizing that it has impacted our lives in every aspect: mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, physically, spiritually, intellectually, environmentally, purposefully; and has overall rocked our identities, self-concept and realities. I could go on about each health domain in length however, to refrain from further bombarding you with more ‘information’, I will keep this short and sweet.

We want you to know that it is okay to be struggling. It is okay if you aren’t struggling. As leaders in health care, we are not immune to the daily struggles experienced by our patients/clients; as competent as we are at facilitating and empowering them to become self-health-managers.  

As health leaders it is our responsibility to:

  1. assess the situation and contributing factors
  2. diagnose any health challenges arising
  3. plan an intervention, gathering any new information necessary
  4. intervene
  5. evaluate the outcomes

 This responsibility does not make exceptions to our own (and our family’s) health and well-being (even though this tends to be the first thing placed on the back burner in crisis). We know rationally that we must care for ourselves to be effective helpers for others, and yet this doesn’t always translate into practice. I challenge you today to remember one thing you enjoyed doing prior to the limitations placed on us by the pandemic.

Then I want you to get creative – how can you do this activity now in our new environment? Now go do it! We’ll be here waiting to hear from you.

Share your update with us in our Facebook group.

If you would like to hear more from this author, or have further questions or comments, please email with “Add Me to Your Email List” in the subject line.


Kaitlin Marriner Brulotte is the communications officer for the MHNIG. She is an RN and has a private psychotherapy practice KMB Counselling & Psychotherapy. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Integral Psychology.