CFMHN Newsletter - Happy Nurse's Week 2020

Posted on May 12, 2020, 11:59 a.m.

Dear MHNIG members


Happy International Nursing year and Nursing Week. I hope you are all safe and celebrating our uniqueness in your own way. 

In my opinion, nurses' heroic actions should be celebrated everyday but now more than ever nurses took the stage with class. This year's CFMHN Nursing Week Theme is "Nurses: A Voice to lead"  and they are seeking mental health
nurses and/or registered psychiatric nurses' stories. Please reach out to tell your story, our stories. See the attached file for more details. 


Again Happy International Nursing year and Nursing Week.


Best regards


Hoodo Ibrahim

Nurse Practitioner, NP-PHC, MSN, CPMHN (C)

MHNIG President


File attachment(s)