CFMHN Revised By-Laws Voting

Posted on Dec. 6, 2019, 9:34 a.m.


Dear CFMHN / MHNIG Members

We are requesting you to vote on the attached revised and updated By-Laws, in order for the Federation to be in compliance with the Not-For-Profit Act. 

We require your vote to approve these By-laws in order to keep the organization moving forward and growing. 
Some of the questions we have received will be answered in Policy documents.
The inclusion of a student board member will need to be reviewed by the board, and discussed with the Membership as a whole to include the Canadian Nursing Student Association. 
Currently, we have student members which we have had for some time. 

Click Here to see revised By-Laws 


Click Here to vote on the CFMHN By-Laws


Deadline to vote: December 18th, 2019