Staff Nurse Interest Group NewsFlash

Posted on April 18, 2019, 5:23 p.m.

Hello fellow SNIG members. I am composing  this email just before Easter weekend. I will be working the weekend as a casual staff nurses at a tertiary care psychiatric hospital. There a few events coming up that I wanted to let you know about. 

* Understanding Violence and Harassment in the Workplace April 23, 7-830 PM Parkwood Institute , London,  On.  Main Building, room B2-109, auditorium. RNAO Middlesex Elgin Chapter. free event, Parking $4.00, RSVP by April 19.  Register  Nonmembers welcome as well.  I am planning to attend.

* Gerontological Nursing Association , Toronto Chapter Presents "Staff Grief" Speaker Risa Kim, Alzheimer Society. Thursday April 25, 2019

Holiday Inn at Yorkdale, 3450 Dufferin St, North York 

Dinner 5:30 pm, AGM 6 pm, Speaker 7 pm

RSVP Donna Locke at can pay by PayPal $40.00  PayPal.Me/GNAToronto  Non Members $45.00

* SNIG has awarded bursaries through RNFOO to two indigenous nursing students. The most recent is a student Karleigh Miness at Laurentian University

* A long time member of SNIG, Bea Osome has been fundraising to build wells in her native Kenya. The wells improve the well being of all in the community. Often it is the girls of the family who must walk long distances for water. They are vulnerable to assault and often cannot go to school because they must carry water. SNIG has made donations and one well has a sign with SNIG logo. Pretty amazing!!

* SNIG and Complimentary Therapy Interest Group joined forces and held our AGM April 13. One of the CT nurses led a visualization exercise on reaching our personal goals. It was very useful and interesting. 

* Wellness tip - Keep moving!   Seek support of friends and family when feeling down.  Most of us have EAP services through work if we need some counselling help. Just telling our story, sometimes over and over to a sympathetic ear, and admitting we need help is therapeutic.

Thanks for all you do. Help and support each other. Be the Nurse you want to work with.

Become active in your chapter or Interest group. You will make life long friends and receive support.


Brenda Hutton

Communications ENO