Greetings SNIG members!
Hoping that you are all doing well.
*I am inviting you to our AGM, taking place via Zoom on Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. ET We will have a short reporting of SNIG activities and then Lhamo Dolkar, RNAO president will speak about RNAO priorities and answer questions. We are close to Lhamo as she is the past chair of SNIG. I expect she will speak about the upcoming provincial election. You will receive the registration email soon.
*On Jan. 30, SNIG and RetNIG hosted a webinar "Laughter is the Best Medicine" presented by RNAO member Neil Stephen. Neil lives and works in Sudbury and is a retired military officer and a psychotherapist in private practice. Neil explained the benefits of laughter and humour in nursing practice and shared some personal stories. Humour is a coping mechanism in nursing and helps us in difficult situations. If you haven't seen this presentation, it is recorded and is available on our SNIG website.
* Neil suggested watching Nurse Johnn on social media. He has become a TikTok star with 7.5 million followers. John Dela Cruz is a young emergency department nurse in a Montreal hospital. I watched some videos on YouTube. John is very funny but also shares the emotional tolls of nursing in a heartfelt manner. He shared that he was off work for a time because of stress and burnout. John posted his first TikTok video in May 2020 as " a way to escape reality". Nurses around the world were commenting on his videos saying how funny and relatable they were.
* Wellness Tip: Adopt a Plant Based Diet
A few months ago I watched a video by Dr. Michael Greger, MD titled "How Not To Die" . I was so impressed by his information and passion that I ordered his book by the same name. Dr. Greger advocates for a whole food, plant-based diet – eliminating meat and dairy products. So, for three months I have not cooked meat in my home and mostly eliminated dairy too. I do have occasional meat when at a restaurant or at someone's home. Emma O'Donnell and Eef Hogervorst, Loughborough University in UK, give information from a US study following health care workers for 40 years stating that "eating red and processed meat (sausage, bacon, hot dogs, salami) is linked to 16% higher risk of dementia and a faster rate of cognitive aging. Eating less red and processed meat reduces death from cancer, diabetes and heart disease as well". All these conditions are linked and have similar root causes, chronic inflammation.
Dr Greger's science-based information and his recommended Daily Dozen foods are available without cost on his website Nutrition His talks are on YouTube. A plant-based, whole foods diet is less expensive, kinder to the environment, animals and ourselves. As Dr. Kim Williams, President of the American College of Cardiology says when asked why he follows a plant based diet. "I don't mind dying, I just don't want it to be my fault".
Some of us on SNIG executive will be attending Queen's Park Day and assembly in a few weeks. I am looking forward to it. Times are hard now for progressive-minded people but we must not give up and we can find solace in speaking our truths and engaging in conversations. Please reach out to us by email at for information or to get more involved. Thank you for the important and difficult work that you do.
Brenda Hutton, Chair, SNIG, RNAO