BNLC September 2024 newsletter

Posted on Aug. 30, 2024, 9:36 a.m.

Black Nurses Leading Change –  September newsletter

Good day members,

We hope you all had a great summer and are ready for the fall. The BNLC has some upcoming great events that we are excited to announce.

BNLC Virtual AGM: Sunday, Sept. 15, 6:30–7:30 p.m. ET

Are you interested in being a member of the BNLC? Are you curious about what BNLC does?  Are you interested in being an executive member of the BNLC?

Come join us on Sunday, Sept. 15 from 6:30–7:30 p.m. ET and join us. You will get to meet our executive team as we present you to our interest group and what has to offer and great opportunities we have. We are still looking for fill the following positions: Finance ENO, Policy and Political Action ENO and Workplace ENO. To register, please click on the link:

RNAO Fall Tour 2024: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 6–7pm ET

Join us in celebrating the tenth-annual #FallTour virtually with RNAO President NP Lhamo Dolkar who will speak about the benefits of RN prescribing, the role of NPs, the drug toxicity crisis and the climate emergency as well as the role of RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organizations® (BPSO) are making in communities across Ontario. RNAO also wants to hear from nurses in the community about your thoughts and concerns on any issues related to your practice or the health system more broadly and share the successes that we, as members, should be proud of. All are invited to attend. To register, please click on the link: 

Strut Your Stuff! A new monthly feature

Have you done or in the middle of accomplishing a major or minor goal?  Has there been a recent event in your career or education that you are proud of ?  This is where you can strut your stuff!  BNLC will now feature one to two members each newsletter who have made their own accomplishments and goals.  We believe that no matter how big or small your accomplishment was, it is needs to be recognized because we as community need should recognize and celebrate our own achievements. If you would like to be featured in our “Strut Your Stuff” please email us at  with a brief note (one to two sentences) showcasing your achievement. We will feature this in our newsletter and on our social media platforms. Feel free to include a picture of yourself if desired.

The first two people featured in Strut Your Stuff: Communications ENO Dwight Barrett and Past President and current Board Liaison Dania Versailles.

Dwight Barrett recently has been accepted into the Masters of Nursing Program at Toronto Metropolitan University, where he will be starting in September. His focus will be on health policy and leadership. Dwight Barrett also is hoping to publish his second novel soon.

Dania Versailles and representatives of the Archipel Ontario Health Team she co-presides were recognized for achieving the BPSO status at the OHT level at RNAO’s AGM. Dania was acclaimed to represent Region 10 (Ottawa) on the board of directors of RNAO.

Congratulations to these two!!!

If you have not already done so, please follow us on our following social media platforms:

X (formerly Twitter)



If you have any questions, concerns or if you would like us to a part of any projects, seminars, discussions or would you are like to host or be a part of our webinar/conferences, please free to email us at:

The Black Nurses Leading Change Executive Committee