We would like to thank you for your membership, whether you're new to our group or returning!
Our executive had a planning meeting on July 16. We've put in the hard work to give you a year to look forward to. During the July meeting we developed our theme for 2022-23. “Don’t Delay – Become the Nurse You Want to Be Today!” See poster below.
Also we ask you to join us for our first webinar on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. Una Ferguson will be presenting on the topic "Oral Care – We Can Change Practice." See the end of this email for more information, or register here: https://myrnao.ca/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1307
The executive has more webinars planned for the year. Stay tuned!
Opportunities to interact with SNIG
Check out our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StaffNurseInterestGroup/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/home?lang=en-ca and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/staffnurse2/ sites! Our new social media site is TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=%40snigrnao&t=1662994845365 Please like and follow us, as we're delighted on how much we've grown.
Or, visit our SNIG website can be reached at https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/node/1624. There you will find past webinars and more about our exciting group.
And, our chief scribe Paula Manuel writes a blog at full of thought, and inspiration on the practice and life experience of a nurse (and she has won awards for her writings): check it out at lifeofanurse.com
We want to hear from you! Help us understand what issues are important to you. Please write us at: staffnurseinterestgroup@gmail.com
Or, perhaps you would like to join the executive! Watch for our call-out in June 2023 for the chair, finance and membership roles. We will mentor all into the roles. These are tremendous leadership opportunities! To learn more about the roles, visit: https://myrnao.ca/sites/default/files/related-documents/RNAO%20Leadership%20Manual%202021-2022_2.pdf
More information about SNIG
The mandate of the Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG) is to foster the health and well-being of the staff nurse. The health-care system depends on registered nurses 24/7, to deliver knowledgeable, evidence-based compassionate care to our clients and patients. To do this effectively we also need knowledge, evidence, and compassionate care for ourselves.
This past year has again been difficult as COVID-19 keeps rearing its ugly head in our communities. Nurses are exhausted and facing burn out.
Self-care starts with YOU ensuring that YOUR needs are identified, prioritized, and acted on. Your wellbeing is important so that you can deliver the health care that our patients and clients deserve. Consider wellbeing, in the domains of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This will enable you to be the nurse you want to work with!
More information about the Sept. 29 webinar topic
As Maria Mona stated in 2018, oral care or mouth care is one of the most basic nursing activities. "Keeping the mouth and teeth clean will protect a patient’s oral health and allow quicker recovery by preventing infections. Nurses should be aware of risk factors associated with poor oral health and be able to assess and help patients maintain oral hygiene."
And, from the 2020 RNAO best practice guideline (BPG) titled Oral Health: Supporting Adults Who Require Assistance: "It is an expectation by both clients and families that when entering a health care provider’s office, hospital, long-term facility or receiving care within the home, that the individual’s health care needs will be met; however, there is evidence that oral health care is not addressed to the same level as other care needs (Frenkel, Harvey & Needs, 2002)."
Una Ferguson RN (non practicing) first studied and researched the problems with nurse doing oral care when doing her RNAO fellowship: Transferring Nursing Knowledge with the exemplar Oral Care. She taught oral health during her 17 years in continuing complex care and in her 17 years in LTC mental health. Even though she is now retired, she still advocates for good dental and oral care for elderly and marginalized populations.
We look forward to providing you an exciting year ahead!
SNIG executive