Hello members!
We hope you all enjoy your long weekend! As a reminder, we still have room for this year's OntWIG symposium at The Doctor's House in Vaughan on Friday, April 20th, 2018. Information below. (If funding is an issue, don't forget you can apply to the Nursing Education Initiative (NEI) with the RNAO!)
Health Quality Ontario (HQO) will on site at the Symposium to speak to us about how to implement the new Wound care Quality Standards to our day to day practice and how some organizations are already integrating them into practice. One example is using Health Outcomes' How2Trak software to document and manage wounds on a day to day bases. All registrants of the symposium have a chance to win a trial of the new software!
Cost: $200 Members / $250 Non-members
Please register here: https://ontwig.ca/8th-annual-symposium/
For full details including agenda and speaker bios: OntWIG 2018 Symposium Agenda
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Ontariowoundcareinterestgroup/
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: ontwig@gmail.com
Secondly, we'd like to follow up with the ARTIC call for proposals. They have a webinar coming up to help you with your proposals!
At each webinar you will have the opportunity to hear more about the ARTIC program, and receive details about this years call for proposals theme: Quality Standards.
Outline the overall ARTIC Program and the application process, clarify roles and responsibilities and address any questions applicants may have. (Both webinars will cover the same material)
Thursday, April 19, 2018 01:00pm – 02:30pm EST
We encourage you to invite any prospective applicants who may not have received the ARTIC 2018 Call for Proposals notification.
April 19 Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4830003237139351553
Please RSVP as soon as possible through the registration link. You will not be able to participate in the webinar without prior registration.
Speakers will include:
ARTIC Program Team
If you have any questions related to the webinar, you may contact us at ARTIC@hqontario.ca
GoTo Webinar attendee guidance can be found here: https://support.logmeininc.com/gotowebinar/how-to-join-attendees
Thank you for your continued participation and support!
The OntWIG Executive