
Posted on March 28, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Greetings SNIG members. 


I had the honor of attending RNAO Queen's Park Day and Assembly meeting February 22, 23.  This is my second Queen's Park Day and it is an amazing experience and education!  It helps us see all the excellent RNAO  research and political influence.  Eric Hoskins, our Health Minister remarked that RNAO has been an excellent help to him because our recommendations are well researched and sound and the main purpose of the recommendations is not to be self serving but to benefit the health of Ontarians.  RNAO is non partisan and has the respect of all parties. Over time most of RNAO's recommendations become Ontario Health Policy.

* There will be a provincial election in June, 2018.  RNAO has produced an excellent document "Improving Health for All, RNAO's Challenge to Ontario's Political Parties" For this information visit or follow on Facebook and Twitter.  #improvinghealthforall.  It is a document which considers social determinants of health as well as improving access to nursing care and improving Ontario's health system. Following are some of the urges to politicians from RNAO:

* Nurses urge all parties to:

- Require all new nursing hires in tertiary, quaternary and cancer care hospitals be RN's. Ontario has less RN ratio to population than the rest of Canada. Employing RNs improves health and financial outcomes.

- Ensure all RNs can order lab tests, communicate a diagnosis and prescribe medications for common ailments

- Allow nurses to continue initiation the controlled act of psychotherapy

- Implement pharmacare 

- Invest $!0 million to support oral care for low income adults and seniors

- Work with Indigenous communities to tackle basic social detrminants of health and prevent suicide

* Attached find article about Mental Health Stigma written by RN Romney Pierog. It details how we as nurses can look at our own responses to mental health issues.

* RNAO annual meeting is April 20 at Toronto downtown Hilton. I have attended for years and it is an enjoyable, educational and exhilarating experience. Consider attending. 

* SNIG's AGM is Saturday April 21 at 0900 at the Hilton. You can register (no cost) for both AGMs on RNAO website. Or feel free to drop in even if you have not registered. There will be a panel discussion "How can staff nurses thrive when they are challenged to survive?"

* We need new executive members for SNIG. There are benefits - expenses covered for meetings and the workload is reasonable. I have met and enjoyed nurses from all over the province and count them as friends. Email Carrie Edwards if interested  Please do!

* Try short yoga, meditation or exercize on line to help cope with demanding work/home lives. Bhuddify is a recommended App

* Go for a walk, great stress reliever and a way to improve problem solving

* Balance your life with Art - theater, music , film

Thankyou for the often difficult, stressful but meaningful work you do in helping Ontario people with their health needs.  Best wishes until next time! 

Brenda Hutton RN

Communications ENO, Staff Nurse Interest Group







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