Nursing Week Message

Posted on May 11, 2020, 1:42 p.m.

Happy Nursing Week !     

I hope this finds all of you well and as safe as possible. I am aware from my graduate students, many of whom will join the CNS ranks upon graduation, that there are many challenges in practice during this Covid-19 pandemic. Many have seen their units re-purposed and have been involved in training other staff on proper use of PPE. Many carry fears as to their own safety and the safety of their loved ones. This has led to difficult decisions regarding childcare and amount of time spent with family members in the same household.

It is also challenging to be ‘experts’ in nursing when we are still learning about this virus and the nursing needs of patients with the infection. Some of you may be involved in research designed to get answers that can never come soon enough. The long-term health impacts of having Covid-19 are still unknown but experts are already seeing signs that some will be left with chronic health problems. This will create new challenges and opportunities for CNS practice.

Your executive is planning to have a virtual AGM via ZOOM as this is the safest way to meet. We will send the details in the next few weeks so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, know that we are all looking forward to when this pandemic is behind us and we can once again gather.

Please, check our website and facebook for more information about CNS and free webinars. 

Until then, stay as safe as is possible.

Elsabeth Jensen, RN, PhD

President of CNS-ON



Coronavirus      - stay informed – check these sites:

App official from the Government of Canada / Application officielle du Gouvernement du Canada  --  Coronavirus 

Number of deaths of Covid-19:

  • up-dated every day
  • in Canada  (EN / FR )  here
  • in world   here 

Health Canada  (EN & FR)

Ministry of Health of Ontario   (EN & FR)

Canadian Nurses’ Association   (EN & FR)

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario