SNIG NewsFlash!!

Posted on Feb. 20, 2018, 10 p.m.

Greetings SNIG members.  This is a short message  to inform you of activities of SNIG executive. Hoping you all are coping well with the winter weather and driving. Perhaps some of you will be having winter vacations.

  • On January 20 SNIG executive members met in Kingston for our annual Think Tank.  We have Skype meetings a few times per year and communicate by email but we find a day long brainstorming session valuable to plan and be creative.
  • Our SNIG Theme this year is "Take Care of Yourself First". We can not care for our patients and colleages if we are depleted and stressed ourselves.  We plan to send out some material on this theme in coming year.
  • I have attached an article on stigma and mental health and how nurses can help written by Romney Pierog.  Romney is a staff nurse and executive member of SNIG.  She has done much research and teaching on topic of Compassion Fatigue.  Nearly all nurses will experience compassion Fatigue during our careers.
  • Romney recommends the app Buddhify:mindful meditations by Mindfulness Everywhere (  I believe it can be purchased at App store and has short meditations we can access during our day
  • I receive daily emails from with inspiring quotes and look forward to reading them every day
  • We are looking for new SNIG executive, several positions are open. Many of us have been on executive for years and we need new perspectives.  If you enjoy being involved in RNAO and attending RNAO assemblies this is a way to be active with your professional organization. I have found it most exciting and informative. I have met nurses who love their work.  Contact Carrie Edwards at if interested. Please do!!
  • Try the 7 minute workout by Johnson online, perhaps on your lunch break.
  •  I am going to Queens Park Day Feb 21 and an assembly the next day as a result of being on SNIG executive.  Really enjoyed it last year. RNAO is very well known and respected by our MPP's and many provincial policies are developed as a result of RNAO influence.

Best wishes, will communicate again soon

Brenda Hutton,
Communications ENO
Staff Nurse Interest Group