Greetings SNIG members.
We, the executive at SNIG,are sending best wishes for the New Year. We know that this is a difficult time for nurses. We believe it is the most serious situation for nursing and the health-care system since I became an RN in 1971. The situation was serious before the pandemic but 92 per cent of nurses – more than other health-care workers – are feeling more stressed by their work during the pandemic (Statistics Canada, 2022). Nurses report having an increased workload as well.
This difficult work situation has led many nurses to change jobs or leave the profession. Job vacancies in the sector have doubled in two years from 2019–2021 (Statistics Canada,2022) There are less senior nurses available for support and mentoring new staff. I'm sure you know about these conditions from your own workplace.
Research participation opportunity and request
We received an email from Andrea Baumann, a PhD candidate in nursing from the University of Toronto. She is conducting a qualitative interview-based research study that investigates the experiences of hospital nurses in the GTA working during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on nurses' ability to voice safety concerns. She is recruiting RNs, RPNs and nurse managers. Participants will be asked to participate in an interview of 45–60 minutes and fill out a demographic questionnaire.
Please consider participating in this study. This is your chance to share your experiences and concerns. To participate contact Andrea at andrea.baumann@utoronto.ca
Resume-writing workshop
SNIG is hosting a resume-writing workshop with the Nursing Students of Ontario (NSO) on Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. ET. Due to a large response, we recently increased our Zoom capacity to 500 participants. This will be of special interest to graduating nursing students and nurses changing employment.
You can register under "events" on the RNAO website or through the email advertising the event from SNIG.
Or, register here if interested: Resume writing hosted by SNIG & NSO! | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (myrnao.ca)
February event – Queen's Park Day preparation
In February, prior to Queen's Park Day, SNIG and RetNIG will feature Irmajean Bajnok from the policy department who will help us learn to use our nursing voice to make change.
March events
- In March, Rob Samulack, chair of the Ontario Nurses for the Environment (ONEIG) will join us for a lunch and learn on his trip to COP28 and how we can individually help with climate change.
- March will also see SNIG join with the RNAO Durham Chapter, the International Nursing Interest Group (INIG) and NSO for a review of the NCLEX exam. We will have an extended Zoom capacity if the interest is there.
NOTE: All of our Zoom webinars are recorded and can be found on our Facebook page or on our RNAO website under "archived events".
SNIG executive vacancies
Lastly, we still have vacancies on the SNIG executive: Policy and Social Media ENOs to name a few! We need to keep the executive strong and with new ideas to be able to support our nursing colleagues' health and wellbeing during these unsettling times in health care. This is a great way to get more involved with RNAO and to attend RNAO assemblies with costs covered. All of us have met fine nursing colleagues and learned and been inspired during our involvement in RNAO activities.
In closing, stay safe, warm and healthy! Remember to practice self care and Be the Nurse You Want to Work With!
Brenda Hutton RN,
Chair, Staff Nurse Interest Group, RNAO