Welcome to all the new and returning members of the Staff Nurse Interest Group (SNIG)! It is the fall season – even though the weather lately has us seeing a delayed summer, much to everyone's delight! We do hope all of you have had some holidays over the summer and have gotten some well-deserved time off.
We will be joining the Mississauga and Brampton Chapters to welcome RNAO President Dr. Claudette Holloway. Speak with Dr. Holloway about the nursing, health and health care issues that matter to you and hear about how your professional association is speaking out for nurses. SNIG and Mississauga and Brampton chapters will also provide updates on the past year and what to expect in the coming months.
Fall events
Join us on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 7:30–9 p.m. The event will be hosted via Zoom and all are welcome.
For Zoom details, please register here! Mississauga Chapter and Staff Nurse Interest Group Fall Tour | Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (myrnao.ca)
We also have an event on travel nursing scheduled for November. Stay tuned for more details.
Callout - executive positions still open!
We had a successful planning meeting in July and have some exciting events planned. But, unfortunately we did not fill all our executive positions with our callout.
We are in desperate need to fill the following positions:
- Treasurer
- Policy and Political Action executive network officer (ENO).
SNIG is the interest group that takes care of the health and wellbeing of the nurse. We mentor everyone into their positions. And, besides all that we are a fun group to join. Please think of coming onboard. We have one planning meeting a year in person and meet monthly via Zoom, usually for less than hour.
Hope to see you all on Oct. 19!
The SNIG executive team